For most of the eastern united states, a certain noise comes to mind when we remember summer nights. A loud persistent buzz seems to always accompany outdoor activities. While some may think these chirps come from frogs or crickets, the loudest chatter of the night actually comes from Cicadas. For many people Cicadas may seem like the run of the mill insect. However, in reality they are one of the most complex and intriguing insects in the world.

Life Underground
Cicadas actually spend the majority of their life under ground. The picture to the left is the Cicada larva. This is what the Cicada looks like for 17 years of its life! Most of us are familiar with the Cicada larvae because of their casing they leave on trees when they transform into adults. As a larvae, Cicadas digs through the ground consuming the sap from trees for energy. But why do they spend so long underground? And how do they count 17 years before emerging? These are questions entomologist still do not know.

Life Above Ground
After 17 long years, Cicadas emerge with one goal in mind, mating. The loud noises they make are the males attempting to lure in a mate. For a few months of the summer, the chirps are the loudest. Then as they being to pair off and lay their eggs underground, the sounds slowly fade.
A few individual Cicadas do emerge every year. However, most Cicadas have synchronized life cycles where they emerge during the same year. The next major brood emergence of Cicadas for this area is in 2024 and 2025. Be on the lookout for extra Cicadas that year.
The Cicada KILLER
This insect doesn’t go unnoticed. Their large bodies create the perfect meal for a specialized hunter, the Cicada Killer Wasp…

About the Wasp
This large wasp exclusively hunts Cicadas. The Cicada Killer Wasp is a solitary wasp, unlike most common wasps that nest in groups. The wasp’s large body, powerful wings, and lethal sting make it the perfect Cicada killing machine. Many people fear this wasp because of its size and may confuse it with a yellow jacket or the 2020 fad, murder hornet. However, this wasp will not sting humans. It only has its eye on one target, the Cicada.

Why Kill Cicadas?
In an ironic series of events, the Cicada Killer actually puts Cicadas back where they spent the majority of their life, underground. These wasps are impressive diggers. Each wasp digs a singular hole in dry, loose soil in direct sunlight. The wasps puts two things into this hole, its eggs, and paralyzed Cicadas. The wasp larvae then eat the Cicada corpse for energy, before emerging as adults next year.
Toby’s Pest Control is here for all your pest control needs in Bowling Green, Kentucky. If you have questions about Cicadas or Cicada Killer Wasps call our office for more info or to schedule a free inspection.