Pest Control for Spiders
Why do we hate spiders?
Why do we put cob web and spider decorations up for Halloween?? These decorations come from quite different categories than ghosts or pumpkins. But they do have one thing in common, they are associated with fear! Some studies estimate that more than 40% of the general population suffers from some degree of arachnophobia. Where does our fear of spiders come from? Most scientists agree that arachnophobia is the result of evolutionary behavior engrained in our DNA – similar to why people are afraid of snakes. Creepy crawlies like spiders and snakes posed severe health risks to our ancestors. Their camouflage and poisonous bites surely warranted extreme caution and awareness. Over time, this fear became engrained in the human mind. Those who didn’t have the instinct to flee from these pests may encountered serious health risks. However, today in Bowling Green, Kentucky, there are few spider species that pose major heath risks to humans. As long as a home upkept with regular pest control visits, there wont be any tarantulas crawling into your bed at night.

Spider Pest Control
There are many ways to control spiders within a structure. For some pests, general control strategies may be effective in controlling all species. For spiders however, identifying the target species is one of the most important steps in eliminating any infestations. Unlike some insects, spider species behave drastically different from other species. Some species constructive intricate webs to catch flying insects, some are scavengers of dead insects, and others are active hunters that don’t create webs at all. So, how do you identify a pest spider species? Consulting a pest control professional in Bowling Green is a good place to start. Toby’s pest control technicians are qualified to identify all pest spider species. They will use glue boards around the home to help capture any spiders that may be entering.
Having trouble with spiders in Bowling Green, Kentucky? Call your Bowling Green Pest Control experts at Toby’s Pest Control!