Nuisance Wildlife Trapping
When people think of pests in Bowling Green, Kentucky things like ants, spiders, termites, and other insects first come to mind. However, there are some pests that are much larger and furrier than normal pests… Nuisance Wildlife! Toby’s Pest Control doesn’t stop at insect pests, we offer affordable and effective wildlife trapping services to take care of all pests, big and small.
What are the most common nusiance wildlife pests?
We offer pest control wildlife removal services for all of these animals…

Skunks have the worst reputation of all nuisance wildlife. They can single handedly ruin your day by just a smell. However, most skunks don't actively seek human structure. Skunks and humans most commonly interact when skunks seek shelter in the spring time. Controlling skunks as pests can be as easy as eliminating any entry points into a crawlspace or around the home.

Raccoons are the smartest of all the nuisance wildlife species. They are notorious for getting into intricate and hard to reach places with in a structure. They have incredibly industrious hands that let them climb and get into hard to reach places. Raccoons are so intelligent, that they will have 3-5 locations that they call home. They alternate between these homes every few days while searching for food.

Moles don't cause structural damage in most cases, but they sure do make for an unsightly yard. Moles live completely underground, burrowing through the soil looking for grubs to eat. McGee Pest Control has specialized mole poison to bait the holes as well as a gas pumping machine that will kill moles in an instant. Often we will use both techniques for mole pest control.

Did you know that possums, or opossums, are the only marsupial to inhabit North America? Possums are notorious scavengers. They scour our neighborhoods at night, eating through our trash cans. Finding the food source of possums is a key factor in this wildlife pest control.

Squirrels may be the hardest nuisance wildlife to control. Their small size allows them to squeeze into the smallest openings. Once they are inside a structure, they will gnaw through wires and other substances. They also reproduce at an alarming rate, so finding an infestation before it gets out of hand is key.

Armadillos may seem cute, but they carry numerous diseases with them, namely a mycobacterium called leprae that can cause leprosy. They are also notorious for digging small holes green yards while searching for food.
Catch and Release
While nuisance wildlife can be harmful to humans and the structures we inhabit, we acknowledge that these animals are trying to survive just like we are. Unless the animal is showing signs of contagious diseases, we catch and relate all of our wildlife trapping. This practice ensures the most humane pest control practice.
Our technicians are trained to spy all the signs of wildlife infestations. When we inspect a home for wildlife, we look for entry points, food sources, and animal droppings. All of these factors help us make the correct decision as to what species is inhabiting your home.