Crawl Space Maintenance
Proper crawl space maintenance remains one most important and underrated aspects of home improvement. From health concerns to structural integrity, the crawl space effects many aspects of a home. A variety of problems can stem from moisture issues, as well as inadequate entrances and ventilation. The condition of a crawl space will also effect the value of your home. Home inspectors execute through inspections of crawlspaces while preforming their due diligence. Toby’s Pest Control recommends a multitude of services that can improve the conditions of a crawl space.

Plastic Vapor Barrier
Toby’s Pest Control believes that a plastic vapor barrier should be a basic feature under every home. Soil naturally contains moisture. Outside of a crawl space, moisture evaporates into the air. However, inside a crawl space, moisture evaporates up into the wood structures and the enclosed air. A plastic vapor barrier simply keeps the moisture in the ground and should be a staple in every crawl space. Proper crawl space conditions are necessary to help achieve effective pest control.
Fungus Treatment
Crawl spaces with excessive moisture can cause fungus to grow on the wood. While this fungus usually causes no damage to structural integrity, it can pose a few health concerns. Fungi reproduce through sporing bodies. These bodies become air born and attach to other surfaces to begin growth. Everyone reacts to mold spores differently, some people are very allergic while other don’t notice. Improving the overall condition of a crawl space through vapor barriers, proper vents, and sump pumps will all aid in fungus conditions. However, some homes may need a fungus treatment. Toby’s Pest Control uses a borate based chemical and treats every surface of area in a crawl space. This chemical prevents fungi growth.

Insulation Removal
Insulation in a crawl space can absolutely benefit your home. Insulation keeps inside air from escaping through the floor, leading to savings on electricity. However, insulation also absorbs water and moisture. If a crawl space experiences a leak, or extreme moisture conditions, insulation can contain this moisture. This may cause the insulation to fall to the ground or aid in fungus growth. Insulation also provides rodents potential shelter areas. Toby’s Pest Control offers insulation removal services for situations that need it.
Tempurature control Vents
The Crawlspace environment is a very unique place. The condition of the crawlspace is mostly regulated by the vents that surround the perimeter of the home. These vents provide crucial services. During the summer months of the year, crawl space vents need to be open to allow air flow through the crawl to prevent moisture levels from getting too high. During the winter, crawl space vents need to be closed to help regulate the temperate. High quality vents also ensure pests such as mice are not entering the home. During a pest control service, our technician may recommend new vents to help with the above mentioned problems.

How do these effect Termite Control?
The conditions of a home’s crawl space significantly effect the chances of termite activity. Termites prefer homes with wet soil and other cellulose food sources near by. That’s why when our company preforms termite inspections and termite treatments, we may recommend other crawlspace services. However, we are first and foremost a pest and termite control company, if you would like your home’s crawlspace serviced by another company, we have no problem with working with another vendor in order to successfully rid your home of termites and other pests.
Exterminating in Bowling Green, KY

Do you think your home in Bowling Green may need crawlspace maintenance? You don’t have to be a toby’s pest control customer for us to help you. Give us a call at 270-781-4175 to set up a free crawl space maintenance quote.

Quarterly Pest Control
Our quarterly pest control service is the most thorough exterminating plan our company offers. Its the best price and protection your home needs from pests.

Termite Inspection
It is important to get your home inspected for termites at least once a year.

Mosquito Control
We offer an industry leading mosquito, tick, and flea service plan. This yard service includes a fogging insecticide treatment. We target the grass and foliage where pests hide.